
You can support DoubleTake / Points of Entry with a tax deductible gift to a restricted account at
Christopher Newport University. For more information, click here.
A Case for Support

For nearly a decade, DoubleTake magazine set the standard in publishing the best documentary work in narrative and photography, providing the American public with an unparalleled opportunity to view in word and image the contemporary social scene. Now combined with Points of Entry: Cross-Currents in Storytelling, the merged magazine, DoubleTake/Points of Entry will continue to publish challenging documentary work, as well as the best in fiction and poetry-—all in the same high-quality, full-color magazine format co-founded by Dr. Robert Coles in DoubleTake.

The merger of the two magazines combines the vision and scope of Dr. Coles’s documentary work with the resources of Drs. Terry Lee and Roberta Rosenberg, co-editors and English professors at Christopher Newport University, a graduate-level institution in the Virginia State university system. The magazine is now housed at the university, which supports one of the new magazine’s goals, to reach thousands of public school students, providing educational materials for schools and teachers. As a measure of support for the new magazine, the U.S. Department of Education has made a $100,000 grant to DoubleTake / Points of Entry, which will partially fund the first two years of publication.

Christopher Newport University also provides partial and in-kind funding for the editorial production and printing of DoubleTake/Points of Entry.

We invite gifts and grants from others who believe in the power of the liberal arts to provide a meaningful context for understanding and appreciating the life of all people in diverse cultures in many countries. The magazine’s narrative and photographic work, with continued funding from its benefactors, will provide subtle, yet complex views of contemporary society, contextualized in the tradition of the liberal arts.

Gifts of support may be made to an account at Christopher Newport University restricted to the production costs or special projects of DoubleTake/Points of Entry. Gifts to build an endowment to sustain the magazine may also be made to a specific university Endowment account which will ensure a long life for the magazine.

Continuing a Tradition of Excellence into the Twenty-First Century
Dr. Robert Coles, the James Agee Professor of Social Ethics at Harvard University, who co-founded DoubleTake in 1995, continues in a role leading the magazine. Dr. Coles’s seminal contributions to the field of documentary work include his Pulitzer prize-winning book series Children of Crisis (1973) and Doing Documentary Work (1998). He now co-edits the new DoubleTake / Points of Entry with Terry Lee and Roberta Rosenberg, both professors of literature. Dr. Rosenberg specializes in Multicultural American literatures, Native American literatures and directs the Women’s Studies program. Dr. Lee directs the Journalism program and specializes in photojournalism, narrative journalism and documentary, as well as British and American literatures. Both are tenured professors at Christopher Newport University and are the founding editors of Points of Entry: Cross-Currents in Storytelling. Their combined mission for the magazine is to present compelling, insightful narratives in words and images that open windows onto the human experience and act as catalysts for community-service efforts, which the DoubleTake Community Service Corporation itself helps support. The magazine works to present many points of entry into the human experience, encouraging a kind of serious, patient consideration of the perspectives, visions, and concerns of others. In the words of the magazine’s co-founder, Robert Coles, the work we publish “pays the closest attention to anything and everything that is part of the life we are attempting to get to know.” Each issue offers “a suggestive or organizing principle, a manner of looking at things, a gesture of interpretation, of coherence.” Our hope is that our readers, among whom we number teachers and journalists who work in words and images, may be inspired by the complexities and ironies of the particular lives and places imagined, reported and documented in the pages of DoubleTake / Points of Entry.

The union of DoubleTake and Points of Entry is a redoubling of each magazine’s mission to render not only contemporary life within the liberal arts, but to foster palpable connections to community. In this effort, we are eager to continue to offer space to the talents of those with names yet unknown. More than other magazines, we believe, DoubleTake / Points of Entry is committed to providing room for emerging writers and photographers. We ask your support to make this goal a reality.